May 3, 2011

It's All About Me!

Rick Warren starts his best seller, "The Purpose Driven Life" by stating, "It's not about me."  With all due respect to Papa Rick, he's dead wrong.  It IS all about me!

We used to sing a song in church with a line that says, "It's all about you, Jesus."  I'm so glad we don't sing that song anymore: 1. because it's just not true (the words are true, we just don't live like they're true) and 2. because it's an oopy-goopy, sappy song (like I said, it IS all about me and I don't like oopy-goopy, sappy songs).

My second daughter plays on a traveling volleyball team which means I'm always broke and I get a front row seat to view way too much girl sports drama.  This team is as athletically gifted as any team we've played this year, yet we can't seem to win any of the big games.  Our biggest problem, in my humble yet completely correct opinion, we lose because one of our players should not be on the team, any team - not because she's not a good player but because she needs to be playing golf or tennis.  Team sports require a measure of humility and sacrifice that she is not currently capable of expressing.

It's amazing to me how one selfish person can effect an entire team.  Selfishness is like cancer.  When one person on the team starts to play the blame game and looks out for number one, the rest of the team crumbles, my kid included - I'm not one of those "my kid's perfect and never messes up" sports dads.  It doesn't matter how much the coach talks about teamwork and supporting each other - those are just oopy-goopy words cheered in the huddle and forgotten on the court.

It breaks my heart but it seems to me that the church is a breeding ground for selfishness.  The people in our churches can be the most selfish, self-centered people on the planet - and I am the worst of all!

I don't like the music, I don't like the musicians, I don't like the preacher, I don't like the carpet or the curtains.  I want to be fed, I want to be valued, I want to be in the inner-circle.  They should dress like me, they should act like me, they should read the same version of the Bible as me.  Don't they know that my way is the best way, my ideas are the best ideas, my traditions are the best traditions, and when a church meets my all of my expectations, then and only then, is it a good church?

I can say all the right words about how life is not about me but words are empty unless I live them.  The truth is that I constantly catch myself living as if life were a movie starring me and everyone else is just a supporting character.  Everywhere I go, there I am.  It's all about me.

I don't want to be the cancer.  I don't want to be a selfish, self-centered Christian.  I don't want our churches to be selfish.  I don't want my church to be self-centered.

I want to embody the essence of Philippians 2:3-4 (read it in your favorite version...).  I want our churches to practically and powerfully live that scripture for the world to see.

Isn't it true that the longer I follow Jesus the more I should display His character in my life?  He left His rightful place in heaven and came to our world.  He gave up His rights, His preferences, and His life for people who would reject Him, fail Him, and take His name but never display His character.

What if life isn't a movie all about me?  What if life is all about Jesus and I'm just a supporting character?

What say you?

I'm going to go play golf...

1 comment:

  1. I've had this conversation with my daughter recently (and with myself more times than I can count). You make a great point in a humorous but forceful way.

    1. How many times can you put "oopy-goopey" in a post? :)

    2. What's wrong with tennis?
